Over 50% of family law cases in 2022 involved unrepresented parties, highlighting challenges for Litigants in Person and efforts to support them. #LitigantsinPerson #UKLaw
The digital divide in UK courts disadvantages Litigants in Person, making it harder for them to navigate the legal system compared to represented parties. #AccessToJustice
The UK justice system prides itself on the principle of equality before the law. However, as courts increasingly digitise their processes, a concerning gap is emerging between those with legal representation and Litigants in Person (LiPs). This digital divide raises critical questions about access to justice and the fair treatment of LiPs in our court […]
Exploring litigation funding in England and Wales, highlighting regulatory frameworks, case types, benefits, challenges, and future implications for access to justice.
Exploring the impact of the current funding model on the impartiality of the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) in overseeing the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), and proposing reforms for an independent and credible review process.